St Sam  

About St Sam's

THE CYBERPARISH of SAINT SAM (sometimes called the ANGLICAN mailing  list)  is, in rather formal language, a forum for discussion of matters of interest in  the churches of the Anglican Communion, such as the Episcopal  Church in the  USA or the Church of England.

 Since St Sam's is a parish (albeit a virtual one), we pray, we share our joys and sorrows, and we openly discuss all aspects of our faith, remembering that on  many matters people may legitimately hold diverse views.

 We try to behave to each other in a sensitive way and to offer pastoral,  prayerful, practical support and guidance when needed. We enjoy discussion  that ranges from the scholarly to the casual, and everything in between (which includes drivel, jokes, and general all round fun).

 The list has generally about 500 subscribers and those intrepid souls generate  about 75 to 100 messages per day.If you'd like to join straightaway, jump in here. If you're not quite ready to join, your might like to have a look at other areas of this site.
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St Sam's Mailbox

If you wonder whether the server is working, if you think you might have missed a post, or if you've been 'no mail' and would like to catch up with recent threads, start here. The password to access the archives can be obtained from the List Moderator

Click to access a list of the recent individual posts that have been sent to Saint Sam's. You can scan the list, check the subjects that interest you, read each relevant post in your browser, and, if you like, respond to the list at large or to the sender privately.


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